Wintergreen (Reconstitution)
The once
popular and well known essential oil of Wintergreen, also called Gaultheria
Oil, is about to become obsolete on the perfumer’s and flavorist’s shelf. More
correctly, it has been replaced by synthetic Methyl Salicylate. Wintergreen oil
is a typical American essential oil, derived by water distillation of the
leaves of Gaultheria Procumbent, a small plant of the heather family. Prior to
distillation, the leaves are exposed to enzymatic action in warm water.
During this
process, the methyl salicylate is formed as a decomposition product from a
glycoside in the plant material. Traces of other volatile constituents are
either present in the leaves, or they are formed during the water distillation
as decomposition products (diacetyl is a possible trace component in the oil,
as is formaldehyde, etc. These materials are presumably derived from
carbohydrates in the re-used distillation
water). The
leaves are practically odorless, and methyl salicylate makes up more than 95%
of the water distillable oil. The plant is a native of eastern North America,
and grows wiId abundantly in the eastern states from the southern part of
Canada to Georgia in the southeast of the U.S.A. Wintergreen Oil is a pale
yellow to yellowish or pinkish colored liquid of intensely sweet-aromatic odor
and flavor, often displaying a peculiar creamy-fruity topnote and a sweet-woody
dryout which may have a tarlike note in poorly distilled oils.